Tuesday, January 28, 2023

Congratulations to both New Foundations Cheer Teams and Coaches. You all worked very hard, and it really showed taking home those amazing trophies. What an amazing job!!!

Photo Proofs from the NFCS Competition are now available. I also have proofs from NFCHS. If you know anyone interested, please forward this email.

Although we are going to miss the 8th graders next season, we cherish the memories we had cheering by their side and we wish them the best of luck in their next chapter of life.

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For anyone who has not ordered photos before, please take the time to read the instructions on the ordering process. At the bottom of the Ordering Instructions page, there is a button to the proofs gallery.

For everything you need, please visit the Cheer section of my website at: www.keithjfisher.com/nfcscheer

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at keith@keithjfisher.com

Special thanks to Mr. Simpson, Coach Cynthia and Ms. McCreary for allowing me to tag along this season and capture memories for the school and the team. I hope to see everyone next season!

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