Thanks to The Friends Of Mount Vernon, it is open for guided tours only. You can NOT wander from the the tour and/or go off the path, or generally piss off Volunteer Coordinator, Brandon Zimmerman, in any way shape or form. This is not because he is mean. It is for your safety. The cemetery is SO overgrown, decrepit and in decay that they are still trying to not only UNCOVER graves, but restore them as well. There is one in-ground burial vault that was so overgrown that while cleaning the place up, one person (not knowing it was there) stepped on it and fell through the glass skylight. With nature and the elements taking over this bit of 23 acre land, The Friends of Mount Vernon are doing what they can, with what they can. I would say about 90% of it is still under the brush. They have cleared paths and some important graves to secure financing and get it cleaned up. Because it is so overgrown, they can not bring any heavy equipment in to clear it out because they don't know how structurally sound the road way is and where all the plots are. All work is done by the hands of volunteers.