“The Amish Windmill”

(click to enlarge)

Many thanks to The Amish Farm and House in Lancaster, PA. They held a photo contest and I won Honorable Mention! Now, I know that is not as good as Grand Prize, but this is a huge achievement for me! I have only been studying a year now and for me to get anything at ALL, well that’s major! I framed the certificate and have it sitting on the side of my desk, facing out of course so that EVERYONE can see it as they walk by. I am sure to remind everyone, every time that “it’s a MAJOR AWARD”, paying homage to my favorite Christmas movie. That little verbal reminder, makes them hate my sense of humor even more.

As part of my “Major Award”, I won tickets to bring my family to come see The Amish Farm and House for ourselves. The tour was incredible. I have to admit that I am really bad with names but the guide was the best. He had been working there for decades and saw a lot of major changes including a Target shopping center be built around it. The best part of the experience for my family and I were the amazing animals they have accessible to pet and feed. At the end of the trip I noticed their windmill. As I marveled at it, I had to ponder just how long it’s been there. The Farm was built in 1805 and I’m sure that the changes this windmill has seen has been mind-blowing.

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Photographer's Guide (EXIF):
Camera: Canon Rebel T-6
Aperture: F10
Shutter Speed: 1/500
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0
Focal Length: 125mm
Mode: Aperture Priority

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All content by Keith J. Fisher
©2020 Grazie Santangelo. All Rights Reserved.