“Ends Of The Earth”
(click to enlarge)
When we were kids, life was simple. Wake up, eat, play, sleep, repeat. As we get older, responsibilities begin to kick in. First, we add going to school. With that comes the stress of making friends, then getting good grades, making the team, playing well, homework that all looks like Greek the first time. Then comes thinking about your future. You have to maintain a certain grade average to even be CONSIDERED for the college you hope to get into, being accepted. Once college comes, then you have to learn to live outside of the nest, homework, term papers, semester courses, credits, graduation and a job after graduation. Once you get a job it doesn't get easier because now you have car payments, rent, mortgage, utilities and Keeping Up With the Kardashians. On top of all that there are life stresses, like who likes me and who doesn't, is my work good enough, car problems, the loss of loved ones. All of that jam packed into one life time. We can now see how overwhelming life gets the older we get.
If we had to handle all this at one time, it's enough to make our head explode. Sometimes, we have to find that nice quiet place where we can put all that aside and BREATHE. We need to decompress and remind ourselves that life does have beauty in it. We may not see it all the time while we have our heads down, dealing with all that life throws at us. Every now and again, we need to set time aside and look for that place. That place that is so calming to us, that those stresses just MELT away. A place to clear our heads, to get ourselves back on track, and able to deal with everything, one at a time. Somewhere where we can just enjoy being. To be in the moment and really just appreciate just BEING. We must go out and find that place, even if we have to go to The Ends Of The Earth.
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Photographer's Guide (EXIF):
Camera: Canon Rebel T-6
Aperture: F11
Shutter Speed: 1/125
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0
Focal Length: 17mm
Mode: Manual
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All content by Keith J. Fisher
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