“Welcome One and All”

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I can’t remember a time that I was not listening to Kristmas Klassics at Christmas time. Kristmas Klassics was a cassette tape that Uncle Roy had made of his favorite Christmas 45’s. It was and has passed through the family as far back as I can remember.

One of the songs on Kristmas Klassics is “Snoopy’s Christmas” by The Royal Guardsmen. The song tells the story that on Christmas Eve during World War I, The Red Baron (a German fighter pilot with 80 air victories to his name) was at it again. Snoopy was ordered to go out and battle their top enemy. During the dogfight, The Red Barron had Snoopy right on target but surprisingly, decided not to fire. Instead, Snoopy was taken hostage. Just when he thought he would be killed, The Red Barron said to him “Merry Christmas my friend”. After dining and celebrating each other, The Red Barron allowed Snoopy to take off without firing on each other because they knew they would “meet on some other day”.

To me, this story defines the meaning of Christmas. Here are two enemies, with different backgrounds, different beliefs, both trying to take the other out because of their differences, yet they knew that Christmas was a time to come together and celebrate one another.

This sign that hung in Willow Grove Park Mall during Christmas 2022, represents this sentiment. To most, it is welcoming people to see Santa Clause. I see much more meaning in it than that. We all need to welcome one another during this holiday season. Regardless of what your beliefs are, we need to set our differences aside and celebrate our diversities. How else would we learn about others and other cultures if we do not open our mind to the idea that there is room on this earth for all kinds of beliefs? I have always maintained the mindset that it is ok for others to have different beliefs and lifestyles. It doesn’t affect me, so why should I care if they want to live that way. It may not be for me, but that does not mean they should not have the right to be different from me. I have always embraced other religions and cultures. I find them interesting. I try to take time to learn about them, to see how they differ from my beliefs.

We need to make everyone feel welcome, regardless of their beliefs and lifestyle. Everybody deserves to be happy, to feel warmth, to feel accepted at Christmas Time. This world would be a much better place.

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Photographer's Guide (EXIF):
Camera: Canon Rebel T-6
Aperture: F8
Shutter Speed: 1/60
ISO: 800
Exposure Bias: 0
Focal Length: 15mm
Mode: Manual
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All content by Keith J. Fisher
©2022 Grazie Santangelo. All Rights Reserved.
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