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We all have that dream house that we will buy “Someday”. We get up and go to work, day in, day out, working towards that Someday house. We may even drive past it on the way to work. When we see it, we whisper to ourselves, “Someday”.

We all need that goal in life, something we are headed for. If we do not have a Someday, what’s the point of getting up and following the same old routine?

However, the goal is not as important as the journey it took to get there. I know a guy who brags to everyone that Someday, he will buy a professional football team, he has been saying it for years. He is a very successful guy has a rather large income but he is in no rush. How much he makes does not matter to him. He is more excited about the path it takes to GET to buy that team than actually buying the team. The team is one of the worst teams in the league, he doesn’t care, it was a dream and a goal he set for himself, his Someday. He works hard each and every day to get there.

We can’t complain about the journey or how long it’s taking. It may be a very long ride. We can’t go through it upset. We have to be enthusiastic about working towards it every day. Keep your eye on that prize and before we know it, we will have our Someday.

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Photographer's Guide (EXIF):
Camera: Canon Rebel T-6
Aperture: F13
Shutter Speed: 1/30
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0
Focal Length: 21mm
Mode: Manual
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All content by Keith J. Fisher
©2022 Grazie Santangelo. All Rights Reserved.
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