“All Aboard”
(click to enlarge)
When I was in college, I commuted daily by way of train. I’d have to be there early to catch the morning train. I would be in class all day either in lectures or on computers. Sometimes I’d have to walk 7 city blocks to get between the two campus buildings. After 8 hours, I was exhausted. Taking the train home, I’d put my music on and relax. The slow rocking back and forth of the car would tempt me to fall asleep. One particularly tiring day, I did fall asleep. When I finally woke up, I had passed my stop. Slept right through it. I had to call my dad to pick me up at one station, to take me to another in order to pick up my car.
In many ways, life is the ultimate train. Throughout your lifetime, you make many stops that will form who we are over the years. Each new train station, or chapter of life, comes and goes while the train of life never stops moving. When we are comfortable where we are, we get off the train and hang out at that stop until we are ready for a new one. At that point, we jump back on the train and move on. When the station we need comes, we need to be sure not to sleep through it! Stay alert and know when to get off. No one can and/or will force us off the train and no one can and/or will make us get on. It is up to US. When we are ready to move on, we will. So, we need to ask ourselves, are we comfortable where we are in life? Or is it time to move on?
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Photographer's Guide (EXIF):
Camera: Canon Rebel T-6
Aperture: F2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/200
ISO: 100
Exposure Bias: 0
Focal Length: 70mm
Mode: Manual
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All content by Keith J. Fisher
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